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caring for your new additon

Thank you for adopting from MEOW rescue and congratulations on the arrival of your new family member. The following information is provided to help you with all the necessary health care your new kitten will require.


A cat brings so much entertainment and companionship to your home. When your cat first arrives home it may feel a little apprehensive in its new environment. To help make this less stressful, allow your cat to explore their new surroundings without too much interference or noise.


Allow only a small part of your house to be explored at a time rather than the whole place. Introduce your cat to its toilet area and eating area. Children should be reminded that the new cat needs lots of love and also rest therefore should not be over-handled. Any other family pets should be introduced slowly and under strict supervision.


PLEASE ensure you keep your cat inside. If you plan to let it outside, please ensure this does NOT happen until your cat is comfortable living in your house for a minimum of 2 weeks.



Cats should be fed a combination of both a high quality commercial food and some natural foods to ensure a balanced diet is provided. We use Royal Canin wet and dry food. Avoid giving cow’s milk to cats and always ensure they have access to fresh, clean water at all times. Please note that cats are obligate carnivores therefore they CANNOT be placed on a vegetarian or vegan diet or they will die. Cats can regulate their food intake well and therefore meals should be offered often and dry food left out at all times for your kitten to eat. Change in diet should be made gradually as sudden changes can cause diarrhoea.


Place several litter trays in a quiet and private area for your kitten to use when they need to go to the toilet. Cats are very clean animals and do not like to use dirty litter trays. Ensure you clean your cat’s tray regularly. Reward-based training is the most humane and effective way to train pets. This type of training involves rewarding your cat when they perform a ‘desired' behaviour. Rewards can be in the form of a tasty cat food treat, verbal praise or patting. ‘Rewards’ positively reinforce the desired behaviour and make it more likely your cat will perform the behaviour again. Never punish your cat physically or yell or spray with a water bottle, as this will scare them. Cats are also unlikely to associate the punishment with their behaviour leading to confusion. The best thing to do in these situations is to generally ignore the behaviour or place your kitten in its litter tray to remind them.


Play time is important for bonding between you and your cat. Kittens are very playful and curious and love to play. Environmental enrichment is essential for your cat to ensure it is not climbing your curtains or wrestling with your power cords. We recommend a scratching post to teach your cat where to direct its claws. Balls, furry mice and other toys like fish on a string will provide them with hours of fun.


Your cat has already been given a vaccination. Please ensure your check the vaccination information supplied in your pack regarding when the next vaccination is due against potentially fatal diseases. Worms are a common cause of ill health in pets. Cats need to be wormed every two weeks until 12 weeks of age, then monthly until 6 months of age. After 6 months of age, worming is recommended every 3 months for effective protection.

Fleas will find your way onto your cat and into your home if you do not use flea control products. There are excellent products available. Your cat has been treated with either Revolution or Advocate. Please note that some dog flea control products are extremely toxic to cats so please only use cat specific products.

Your cat has already been desexed. Regular grooming (gentle brushing) is important particularly for medium-haired and long-haired cats. Positively reward your cat with a tasty cat food treat, verbal praise and patting for allowing you to groom them. This way your cat will associate grooming with positive things, making it easier for both of you. In general, cats don't need to be bathed and most cats can find it quite stressful. Therefore generally avoid bathing unless recommended by your vet. Some commonly found plants, such as lilies, are toxic to cats and it is important that you familiarise yourself with these and remove them from your garden and house and avoid purchasing them in floral arrangements. NEVER give unprescribed medications to your cat without checking with a vet first. Even aspirin and paracetamol are dangerous. 


It is important to know what the laws are particularly regarding registration, microchipping and desexing.  Your kitten has already been microchipped & desexed prior to adoption. Please check with your local council regarding registering your cat.


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If your kitten appears lethargic or off their food, or you have ANY concerns about your kitten’s wellbeing: PLEASE call MEOW Rescue or your vet.

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